

The Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI) brings together library professionals of all the Agricultural universities and other institutions having thrust on Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Dairy, Fisheries etc. and also ICAR Institutes across the country.

Encourages debates on professional problems as well as ways and means to improve the library services for the scientists, research workers, students and other users who are directly and indirectly involved with agricultural research.

Intends to improve the library and information services keeping in view the fast changing scenario of information.

Giving special focus to the development of libraries of agricultural universities which may be an indirect step towards the growth of agriculture sector denoting the farsightedness of the association, since agriculture in the modern era has also become technique-oriented wherein instant information is indispensable.

The AALDI plays a vital role in bringing all Agricultural Libraries in this sub-content to discuss about their professional issues in the annual conventions so as to pave way for novel changes in agricultural library systems and services. They also use this platform to share their best practices.

The AALDI publishes ‘The Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Services’ (AALDI), a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal to disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of library and information sciences with special reference to agricultural librarianship.
