About the International Conference

Over the years, Library and Information Science (LIS) has grown tremendously keeping pace with the technological developments. The agricultural libraries in particular, are facing many challenges in meeting the information requirements of the stakeholders in the networked digital environment. It is envisaged that renaissance in library and information science lies in the application of resurgent digital tools and technologies. Considering the significance of sensitization of the LIS professionals on the latest developments in the field and to ensure effective and efficient information services to the stakeholders, AALDI regularly conducts its annual convention where our professional fraternity meet to discuss the professional issues and prepare a roadmap for the future. So far, AALDI had organized seven National Conferences since 2009. The latest National Conference was held in 2019 at Navsari Agricultural University, Navasari Gujarat. During the office bearers meeting it was decided to hold an International Conference of AALDI to have a network of professionals from across the globe to take our profession to the next level.

Hence, this year the first International Conference of AALDI is being organized at University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru on the following theme:


Management of Knowledge Resource Centres in the Networked Digital Environment: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

Sub Themes :

  1. Technology Innovations and Applications in Libraries and Information Centers
  • Web Portals, Mobile Technology, Cloud computing, Citation / Reference Management Tools, Social Media, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Block Chain Technology, Open Source Software, Library security, ICT Models and Protocols; Technology Innovations and applications in Libraries with particular reference to Agricultural Libraries
  1. Digital Initiatives
  • Digitization, Consortia, Digital Scholarship, Institutional Repositories; Archiving, Digital Preservation; State of the art of digitization in Libraries in India with emphasis on Agricultural Libraries
  1. Open Access Initiatives and Movement
  • Open Access Digital Repositories, Open Access e-Resources including OA books, OA Journals, OA databases, etc., Open Science and Open Scholarship Initiatives; OA initiatives in Libraries in India with emphasis on Agricultural Libraries
  1. Scholarly Communication
  • Digital scholarship, Research tools, e-Publishing, Publication Ethics, Plagiarism, Research data management, Peer review, Economics of Scholarly Publishing, Evaluation of Journals, Library publishing programmes, Research Metrics.
  1. Information Literacy and Capacity Building Skills for LIS Professionals
  • Information literacy programmes in Libraries, MOOCs: Skills and Competencies of LIS Professionals, Continuing education programmes.
  1. Information Use studies
  • Information seeking behavior, Library Use and User studies, Webometrics.
  1. Library Consortia Initiatives
  • Library consortia in India; Consortia developments in Agricultural libraries; Problems and prospects in managing consortia
  1. Knowledge Management (KM) and Knowledge Sharing (KS)
  • Electronic Resource Management (ERM); KM models; KS Opportunities, means and methods; KS barriers.
  1. Data Science
  • Data science techniques, languages, frameworks, virtual tools, platforms, etc.; Big Data in Agriculture, Data/Text mining, Data migration, Data harvesting, Machine Learning and other trends and developments