University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore

It was her Excellency Maharani Kempa Nanjammanni Vani Vilasa Sannidhi the Regent of Mysore in 1899 who donated 30 acres of land for Experimental Agricultural Station at Hebbal and appointed Dr Lehmann, German Scientist to initiate research on soil crop response with Laboratory in the Directorate of Agriculture. In 1913, Sir M Vishveshwaraiah, the then Diwan of Mysore (1912-1919) played the key role in establishing the Mysore Agriculture residential School at Hebbal in 1913 and appointed Dr Leslie Coleman, the first Director of Agriculture, Mysore to head this School to offer Licentiate in Agriculture for 15 students annually. The UAS was inaugurated by Dr. Zakir Hussain, the Vice President of India on the 21st Aug 1964 in the august presence of Mr. Chester Bowles, the then US Ambassador to India and Sri S Nijalingappa, the then CM. In 1969, Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister, inaugurated GKVK campus on 12th July. The UAS-B has played a pivotal role in carrying out front-line extension involving all the stakeholders for technology dissemination and also identifying problems that require technological interventions. Agricultural Technology Information Centre, UAS Agri-portal, Krishi Vignana Kendras, Extension Education Units, Bakery Training Unit, Staff Training Unit and Farmers’ Training Institute of the University have been nationally commended for their role in outreach activities both at the State and National level. Krishimela of UAS-B has proved to be a substantial boon to the surging development of agriculture in the State.


University Library was established during 1966-67 which is the oldest and biggest University Library in the field of agricultural Sciences in Karnataka. University Library and its constituent College Libraries form the central hub of the University Library. Library has added its collections to WorldCat, by joining the world’s most comprehensive database of information about library collections, the library offers the world its own resources and offers its students and faculty members resources from around the world. WorldCat also helps the library to cooperate with others to address challenges. Library has created sophisticated video library cum virtual classroom to provide unique and dynamic real time online multimedia service to the user fraternity, Library provides access to many video collections in “Krishichitralaya” the Library is completely automated with Koha open source software package and integrated with RFID Technology. The University Library is hosting an International conference of Agricultural Librarians and users committee on the role of Agriculture Library in the networked Digital environment. The conference is scheduled to be held on February 2021 on 25th and 26th for the 1st time in Bengaluru and also in the history of UASB.